Critical Leadership is not meant to be a dry read about abstract ideas, or tales of corporate exploits by egotistical Chief Executive Officers. Instead we’ve written it more as a guidebook, with a focus on what we feel you can do to be a better leader. The activities that lie at the core of the book are there to be done, not simply to be read about. Whilst a guidebook to Rome may be interesting, it lacks purpose if it’s not of any use when you visit the eternal city. Similarly, Critical Leadership isn’t meant to be a book to be read in an armchair but to be something that you can regularly consult and use at work, or, wherever you practice your leadership. It is built around three key concepts that underpin critical leadership: 1. Knowing – Being – Doing 2. Thinking – Feeling – Willing 3. Space – Pace – Place. As well as these key concepts, we emphasise the significance of reflection as a key tool in developing your leadership capability. Why not read this first Chapter and, if you find it interesting and useful, follow the links to buy the book or e-book?

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This is a free download of the first Chapter of Critical Leadership. To buy the paperback or Kindle e-book, please follow this link to Amazon. It is also available as an e-book from the iTunes store.